အပိုင္း(၂)မွအဆက္.. http://www.tayelay.co.cc/2012/01/run-box-command_05.htmlမွာဖတ္ပါ.. ဒါက၂...ခုက၃ေနာ္။မမွားပါနဲ႔ဦး။
Resume on the first post of run box and commands.
(They are not copy from anyone else.)
ဒီတခါေတာ့ၿမန္မာလိုေကာ၊ အဂၤလိပ္လိုပါေရးထားမည္ၿဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ဟိဟိ..ေၿပာင္နဲ႔ေနာ္...နာကၿမန္မာလိုသိပ္မတတ္ဘူး..အဂၤလိပ္လိုပဲပိုကြ်မ္းတာ။၅ခုပဲတင္ပါမည္။ မ်ားလွ်င္တင္ရကုန္မွာဆုိးလို႔..
For paint and draw freely on your PC. Enjoy! (ပံုဆြဲဖုိ႔ပါ။ Widnows 7 မွာေကာ၊ xp မွာရပါတယ္။)
This is an application from Microsoft. It is called Microsoft Office Words 200_ . (Microsoft ေဆာ့၀္လ္ပါ။ microsoft word ပါ။ ေကာင္းပါတယ္။ စာေရးလို႔ရပါတယ္...ခုအသံုးမ်ားတယ္ေလ။ 2003 တို႔..2000 တို႔...2007 တို႔ခုဆိုရင္ 2010 ပါထြက္ေနၿပီေလ။)
Most of the people prefer it and use. It is a design application that either modify or draw.
(photoshop ပါ။ လူအသံုးမ်ားပါတယ္။)
regedit (or) regedit.exe
That's modify your application and uses. However, I don't know how do I use it.
(ဒါေတြက...စက္တန္ဆာတခုပါ။ ၿပင္လို႔ရတယ္..ဘာမွန္းေတာ့မသိ။)
It's an another setting. Wow. (ကြန္နက္ရွင္တုိ႔..စက္တို႔ကိုေၿပာင္းတဲ့ေနာက္စက္တန္ဆာတစ္မ်ိဳးပါ။
That's all for this post. Thank you. I'll submit other stuffs of like these posts. Have fun!
စမ္းသပ္ၿပီးမွတင္ထားတာပါ။အားရင္ဆက္ဦးတင္ဦးမယ္။ စာေမးပြဲလည္းရွိေနတာ။ ၿဖစ္ႏိုင္ရင္ credit ထည့္ပါဦးေနာ္။
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